Monday, June 6, 2011

And They're Off!

My back is achin' after a very busy day yesterday! We packed, packed, and then packed some more! Mostly in the bedrooms - Shelby and I played keep or toss and cleared off the over-stuffed shelves in our bedroom and closet...then we took down the shelves. The kids, all of them, started packing their stuff and put a pretty healthy dent in that process. We worked pretty much all day, made a trip to KFC (drive through) for an 8pm dinner, and managed to finish up for chillin' at around 10pm. Then Shelby kicked my booty at Skip-Bo (again) before we collapsed in bed for the night. Hopefully Grandma won't check her garage/our storage for a little least until we can tell her that it will be out by ______ :)  Gotta do it all over again today, this time in the dining room (shelves), pantry, and hopefully, closets. Then I'll start on my Aullwood teaching prep tomorrow. It's gonna be a busy week, and a busy summer (hopefully). I think we can, I think we can, I think we can...

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how much packing we (ok..YOU) have done and how much we still have left to do! You are great!
