Sunday, June 30, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow...

We finally planted more, nearly most, of the garden today, just before the rain came through in a downpour! If you look at the photo below, the top left portion of our garden is occupied by tomato plants, the only survivors of our seedling planting event earlier this year. Today we planted seeds. Cucumber, summer squash, winter squash, northern beans, kidney beans, pole beans, peas, watermelon, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage! The areas are marked by flags, and we plan to rope off the garden with twine before our helpful neighbor decides to till our garden again (thanks, but no thanks, sir). We still have room for a couple rows of something near the bottom portion of the garden, which will hopefully happen this week. Kind of a late start, but here's hoping the harvest  will be bountiful! Stay tuned...
 We have a couple of garden additions this year! First, we built a strawberry bed (below) that contains ever bearing strawberries and June bearing strawberries. We mail ordered the plants and they were in pretty bad shape when we received them. Most of them are doing so much better now!
Another addition to our garden is our artichokes. We have three buckets in our front yard, and the plants are doing amazing! These are a first for us, and we're both very happy with the progress of these plants :) 



  1. I'm REALLY hoping that we get some goodies from the garden this year. I know that we are late putting it in...but hopefully there is enough time in the growing season to get a few meals from it. I'm really happy with the potatoes and artichoke (I have high hopes for the garlic too!). I love you.

  2. Gosh that is awesome Mark. I want your land or space i should say. I have never grown an artichoke, nor eaten one. I would have thought you might need a fence around your vegies or a disaster might befall them - in the form of OH, i dont know, one of your many many critters.
