Saturday, July 17, 2010

Their Big Move

Yesterday we helped friends move into their new apartment. It is a big deal, and we're so excited for her and her daughter because this is the first place of their own since about nine years. She got married, they lived with his parents temporarily... which ended up being years, until they got divorced. Then they moved in with a friend, then they moved in with her parents, and here we are. Very long story short. Anyways, we helped her move her stuff out of storage units into their apartment. The larger storage unit was filled with boxes, bags, and furniture from nine years ago - a mini time capsule, if you will. The other storage unit had been used for about a year. Now it is all piled in the apartment, their new home, and the unpacking can begin.

What this has to do with us, my wife reminds me, is that we have boxes and boxes of stuff in our own storage (Grandma's attic) that have followed us around from apartment to apartment (and a small house). They have stayed packed for most of our life together. Lack of space has always been an issue. We have six people in our home now, and have had as many as seven. Add a few animals, and we barely fit in our home ourselves! It will be so nice to get our place, go through our boxes, and actually use, display, or repack all of the things we've collected and not had space for. Still not sure when that time will be, but we're taking it day by day, week by week. Any day now, right? And when it happens, we'll all be in motion, preparing for the that big step in our lives where we're both working and all of us are building our dreams together in our new home. I'll be packing some stuff today (started already) and we need to get some of Shelby's work stuff shipped out. A quick trip to Time Warner will get rid of a converter box and replace a broke one. We should release our tadpoles and let them become frogs in the wild, since they don't seem to want to cooperate in their tank here. Either way, today we'll work on the house, maybe go to Bess's and help them unpack, maybe chill a little. Gotta love summer :) This summer, especially! Exciting times...

1 comment:

  1. Aww...our bubble wrap looks angelic with the sun shining in behind it and our dog looks super lazy on "her" chair. I love that our blogs can be so similar without ready each others first. Funny. I love you.
